Leading by Example

Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh (Iggy) has been involved with Galway Rape Crisis Centre in a voluntary capacity for a number of years and is the current Chairperson on GRCC’s Board of Management.

Because of his belief in the work of Galway Rape Crisis Centre he explains in this short video why he has decided to Leave a Gift in his Will to GRCC.

By leaving a Gift in your Will you can make such a positive impact that will allow the continued provision of a professional, caring counselling and support service for those in our community affected by sexual abuse and sexual violence. Any gift large or small makes a difference and can support our work in advocacy, awareness raising and education that aims to end tolerance of sexual violence throughout our society. Leaving a gift in your Will can help ensure these services are there well into the future.

To find out more about leaving a Gift in Your will Click here

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