Disclosure Training

What is Disclosure Training?

Have you ever wondered how you would respond if someone told you they has been sexually abused? Has anyone ever talked to you about an experience with sexual abuse or rape?

Statistically, everyone knows at least one person who has been sexually abused. It’s hard to know what the “right” thing to do or say is when someone discloses sexual abuse. Knowing how to respond matters: studies have found that a positive response to a disclosure can have a significant impact on the health and happiness of the survivor.
Ways to Support

Galway Rape Crisis Centre delivers training in how to respond appropriately and compassionately to disclosures of sexual violence. This training is appropriate for all members of society and is especially relevant for professionals, those working in community organisations, school and college staff and third level students.



This training provides participants with the skills and knowledge to deal appropriately with a disclosure of sexual violence or harassment, enabling them to best support the person disclosing as well as themselves. It also aims to increase the participant’s awareness of the causes and effects of sexual violence.


  • Examine the beliefs and attitudes that exist concerning sexual violence, including rape myths, and how these are internalised by the victim of sexual violence
  • Increase awareness of the incidence of sexual violence
  • Appreciate how the responses victims expect and meet from society and services can differ depending on the circumstances of the rape and sexual assault
  • Promote an understanding as how to offer support in the aftermath of sexual harassment, assault and rape
  • Introduce the work of the Galway Rape Crisis Centre and highlight national services available to survivors of sexual violence.
  • Become aware of the meaning of vicarious trauma and the importance of self-care

To organise a Disclosure Training for your workplace, organisation or group, or if you would like more information on the training, contact [email protected] or call 091 564 800.

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